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Religious Education

November 18, 2024

Religious Education Classes

Religious education classes have been taking place over the past month. Classes are held every Sunday directly after Holy Mass for approximately an hour.

We offer classes for children aged 4 and up.

If your child hasn’t signed up yet but would be interested in joining and growing their faith amongst other children in our community, please speak to Martina (Secretary) or Cheryl.

Sign up for religious education now!
There is no cost for religious education classes.

We feel a special obligation to helping our children grow in their Faith. Although religious education is part of the curriculum in the German schools, the private schools which many of our children attend do not. Therefore we provide classes for all age levels and interested parents may also assist in the program.

First Holy Communion and Confirmation
Preparation for First Holy Communion is available for children grades 2 and above and Confirmation for grades 10 and above. 

Classes are also offered for adults who would like to become Catholic or have not yet received certain sacraments.

Baptism, Marriage and Anointing of the Sick
Arrangements are made on an individual basis, please see a chaplain.



We are always looking for new members who can help us with teaching or who can lend a hand with administrative tasks. Do consider this ministry as a means of thanking God for the many blessings He has bestowed on you and as a unique opportunity to deepen your faith. If you are interested, please contact the parish office.

Frequently asked questions:

  • What is the religious education program?

The Religious Education Program consists of a series of Sunday morning classes taught by church volunteers. Each class lasts an hour, from 10:45 to 11:45 a.m. on Sunday morning. Classes are taught in English and the curriculum is based on books approved by the parish priest. Lessons are supplemented by activities that are appropriate to the children’s age.

  • How can I support the religious education program?

The best way to support the program is by volunteering to be a catechist, assistant teacher or substitute teacher. If you cannot serve as a catechist, assistant catechist or substitute, you can also support the religious education program by volunteering to prepare the classrooms before Mass (e.g., turning the heaters on during the winter), cleaning up after class, or helping us during special occasions (preparing for the Nativity play or the Stations of the Cross).
Most helpful is to pray with and for the children and to attend Sunday Holy Mass and Holy Days of Obligation oneself/ as a family as a witness to the children.

  • What is involved in being a catechist?

Being a catechist means being the lead teacher of the class. This involves a few hours of preparing for each class, preparing the classroom before Mass, teaching the class after Mass, and cleaning up afterwards. Catechists teaching younger children will be given an assistant teacher. On the days when a catechist anticipates that he or she cannot teach, he or she must request in advance that the DREs find a substitute for him or her.

  • What does an assistant teacher do?

An assistant teacher steps in when the catechist is unable to teach, assists the catechist during the class, especially with crafts, and attends to the children’s other needs (especially going to the toilet) so that the catechist can focus on teaching.

  • What is the role of a substitute?

A substitute fills in for a catechist when the catechist in unavailable.



International Catholic Chaplaincy
St. Thomas More Bonn
Heilig Kreuz - Church
Cheruskerstraße 11
53175 Bonn

Chaplaincy Office

Lucas-Cranach Straße 24
53175 Bonn
Tel. +49 (0)228 37 35 26
Fax. +49 (0)228 5 36 98 40
E-mail: office@stmbonn.de

Office Hours

Monday and Tuesday
14:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs

Thursday and Friday
14:00 hrs - 17:00 hrs

after Mass